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How to create a webinar for construction management professionals

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Send your webinar idea to us if you are interested in hosting a webinar about a particular topic. CMAA webinars are free, and you can earn one CCM Renewal Point (RP) and one Professional Development Hour (PDH) for participating. You can submit an idea for a construction-related webcast here.

Send your ideas for a webinar about the business of construction

There are many different ways to promote your webinar. The best way to promote your webinar is to create a landing page. It doesn't have to be fancy; a simple landing page can work. Blog posts are a great way to promote your webinar. To increase the visibility of your webinar, you should create blog posts.

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CMAA webinars provide 1 CCM Renewal point (RP) as well as 1 Professional Development hour (PDH).

CMAA webinars are open to CMs around the world. Each webinar provides 1 CCM Renewal (RP) or Professional Development Hours (PDH). PDHs can also be used to enhance professional development. RMs can be used as continuing education credits. RMs can be used toward the renewal of your CCM credential, which is good for two years.

The CMAA Southern Nevada Chapter offers professional opportunities for construction managers. This includes monthly breakfast meetings and educational events. CMAA national membership offers professional training and education for construction manager. The professional development department can be used by anyone who wishes to refresh their knowledge and gain new insights.

Benefits of a webinar

A webinar is a great tool to increase sales leads and provide better customer service. The webinar can be delivered in many formats: a single speaker, panel discussions or a moderator who presents multiple speakers. A webinar that is successful will be memorable and have a strong message.

Webinars may be viewed whenever it is convenient for participants. The presenter can prerecord and then upload the webinar at a convenient time. This makes the entire experience highly flexible. Webinars can also be accessed geographically so that anyone can participate.

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Webinars allow people to connect with one another and network globally. Participants can ask questions and give feedback. In addition, a webinar can be a powerful tool for thought leadership discussions and training on new trends in the industry. Webinars are a great way to reach a large audience in a short amount of time.

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How does Six Sigma work?

Six Sigma uses statistics to measure problems, find root causes, fix them, and learn from past mistakes.

First, identify the problem.

Next, data is collected and analyzed to identify trends and patterns.

The problem is then rectified.

The data are then reanalyzed to see if the problem is solved.

This continues until you solve the problem.

What role does a manager have in a company's success?

Each industry has a different role for a manager.

A manager generally manages the day to-day operations in a company.

He/she makes sure that the company meets its financial obligations, and that it produces goods or services that customers desire.

He/she is responsible for ensuring that employees comply with all regulations and follow quality standards.

He/she oversees marketing campaigns and plans new products.

What is the difference in Six Sigma and TQM?

The key difference between the two quality management tools is that while six-sigma focuses its efforts on eliminating defects, total quality management (TQM), focuses more on improving processes and reducing cost.

Six Sigma is a method for continuous improvement. It emphasizes the elimination and improvement of defects using statistical methods, such as control charts, P-charts and Pareto analysis.

This method seeks to decrease variation in product output. This is achieved by identifying and addressing the root causes of problems.

Total quality management refers to the monitoring and measurement of all aspects in an organization. It also involves training employees to improve performance.

It is used to increase productivity.

What is Six Sigma?

This is a method of quality improvement that emphasizes customer service, continuous learning, and customer service. The goal is to eradicate defects through statistical techniques.

Motorola invented Six Sigma in 1986 as part its efforts to improve manufacturing.

The idea spread quickly in the industry. Today many organizations use six-sigma techniques to improve product design.

What does it mean to say "project management"

That is the management of all activities associated with a project.

We help you define the scope of your project, identify the requirements, prepare the budget, organize the team, plan the work, monitor progress and evaluate the results before closing down the project.

What is Kaizen?

Kaizen is a Japanese term which means "continuous improvement." This philosophy encourages employees to continually look for ways to improve the work environment.

Kaizen is a belief that everyone should have the ability to do their job well.


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How To

How do I get my Six Sigma License?

Six Sigma is a quality control tool that improves processes and increases efficiency. It is a method that enables companies to achieve consistent results with their operations. Named after the Greek word for "sigmas", the name refers to the first two letters. Motorola was the first to develop this process. Motorola recognized the need to standardize manufacturing processes in order to produce better products at a lower cost. Because of the number of people involved in the work, they had problems maintaining consistency. To overcome this problem they turned to statistical tools such control charts and Pareto analyses. These techniques would be applied to every aspect of the operation. After applying the technique, they could make improvements wherever there was potential. The Six Sigma certification process involves three major steps. Find out if you are qualified. Before you take any exams, you'll need to take some classes. Once you've passed those classes, you'll start taking the tests. You'll need to go back and review all the information you received in class. After that, you can take the test. If you pass, then you will become certified. Finally, your certifications will be added to your resume.


How to create a webinar for construction management professionals